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Photo Credits: Christian Javan ©

Teaching While Declining

Irma’s devastating path along the southeastern coast of the United States, and the fears it inflicts on the defenseless population, evoke the painful episodes of the fateful September 11, on the occasion of a new anniversary of the most shocking terrorism episode lived by humanity, when stupor, confusion and bewilderment seized the collective psyche, the 21st century just commencing.

Sensations originating in humans’ fragility and vulnerability in their relationship with the planet hosting them are also reflected in the sky during this week, which is linked to the fear of nature’s indomitable forces, and of evil. The Moon diminishes its luminous nocturnal presence, the Sun reaches an uncomfortable position regarding Saturn, and our neighbors Mercury and Mars transit hand-in-hand through Virgo’s first decanate.

Beginning at the dawn of Wednesday 13, our satellite will show only half of its face and will start losing nighttime protagonism until disappearing completely a week later. It will enter its Waning phase, favoring the declination of energy and the culmination of stages. That same day it will face Saturn and will reach its point closest to Earth (perigee) while ending its walk through Gemini.

We shall vibrate with the lunar condition by the middle of the week. A triangulation will occur between Saturn and our two luminaries. From Virgo, the Sun comes into an angle of tension with the Moon (in Gemini) and Saturn (in Sagittarius). A very peculiar Waning Moon —with saturnine accent, and of perigean quality— is configured. Its maximum monthly proximity with Earth and its intervention in the Sun-Saturn conflict make us perceive that a power is beginning to fade.

On the first day of the week, Saturn joins the so-called Black Moon, a sensitive spot that expresses the hidden and mysterious power of the female character, which achieves its goals through seduction and deception. Two days later, it becomes aligned with the Waning Moon —that weakens its dominant nature— and faces the Sun, which also joins the declining condition of its cycle.

By these days, the Moon transfers its protagonist role to Saturn. The Lord of Time and Destiny, the dominant castrator, the symbol of Power that controls and subjugates. It will be trapped into its own obsession of not giving in or sharing his command and authority. Commencing next Wednesday, it begins its waning period, the exercise of all forms of restriction and containment becoming weakened; until when a new form of leadership shall begin by the end of the year.

Mars and Mercury have been advancing since last week through Virgo’s first grades. The red planet will gather together in that sidereal zone with the messenger of the gods, the planet of relationships and interchange. Their mutual proximity/mixture promotes aggressiveness and violence in their most diverse forms, as well as the abrupt and vehement use of language. In fact, the memory of the events connected with the Twin Towers, or the recent devastating action of hurricanes or earthquakes, is a living manifestation of that planet-combination: the furious irruption of one of them, together with the communicative ability of the other, provoking bewilderment and disquietude.

Last week’s Neptunian Full Moon warned us about the eventual merciless action of the god of the seas. This week’s Waning Saturnine moon puts us on guard against the hard task of assimilating the restrictions and limitations imposed by the castrating father in its decadent stage.

Teacher Saturn, reflected on one half of the moon’s face, warns us about times of renewal coming close. Humanity needs to learn and assimilate what the symbol of authority and power conveys to it: that everything has its limits; that Mother Earth needs that we use considerately the resources it puts within our reach; that, if we do not take responsibility, and act without due conscience, we will pay for it with fear and pain.

Translated by Jorge Pardo Febres-Cordero, Certified Public Translator (Spanish-English-Spanish) – [email protected]

Photo Credits: Christian Javan ©

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