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Jose Bernardo Gomez
Photo Credits: hdaniel ©

Pre-equinoccial Balm

At noon, on Saturday the 16th, the waning Moon became Balsamic as it passed through Leo‘s ninth grade. It will remain in this condition until the end of the first hour and a half of the next 20th, dedicated to the god Mercury. At that moment, it will join the Sun at 27º Virgo 27”.

The period running between Saturday afternoon and the beginning of Wednesday, three and a half days prior to the new conjunction of our satellite with the king star, is the period where the Moon reflects the least light and may be seen to cross the sky only in the hours of the morning, shortly before the first solar rays emerge by the eastern horizon.

When the Moon manages to shorten the distance separating it from the Sun, from 45° up to reaching it, the 8th and last stage of its synodic cycle of 29.5 days —which is repeated incessantly, allowing the establishment of a unit of time known as a month— takes place. In the second half of the waning, this half week of lunar agony is known as Balsamic.

The last phase of the waning moon symbolizes endings and completions. It is the propitious opportunity to break away from painful experiences, bitter experiences, feelings of confusion and all elements that have lost their validity, that are toxic or disturbing. The Balsamic Moon favors cleanliness and purification, forgetfulness and forgiveness, elimination and healing. Even more so on this occasion, when it will be traveling through Virgo, the sign of hygiene and body health.

The eliminatory function predominates in the conclusive condition of the lunar cycle. It is the right time to discard that which doesn’t work any longer, to break away from what is not used any more, to detoxify from everything biologically, psychologically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually harmful. It is the time of settlements, diets, evaluations and thorough cleanings. The Balsamic Moon  functions as a catharsis, as a balm that quiets the spirit, distends the muscles, reduces the pain and lightens the loads.

When the Moon disappears entirely from the stage (on the nights of Tuesday and Wednesday) it will be due to the solar glare, which will prevent its perception. The lunar cycle ends with a peculiar astral alignment: the Sun, at one end, Moon and Earth, at the center, and the planetoid Chiron at the other end. The New Moon of Virgo’s last tranche takes place then; on this occasion, nuanced by the influence of Chiron, symbol of healing processes. This Moon cycle thus culminates with a call for healing.

Under this atmosphere of recovery and purification propelled by the Balsamic Moon and promoted by the New Moon opposite Chiron, we prepare for the crossing of the Sun through the equatorial line, on the afternoon of the coming Friday 22. The Equinox will occur at that moment. It is the equitable sharing of solar energy over our planet. Luminosity and temperature will show themselves equitably in the north and the south, making days and nights to have a similar duration in both hemispheres.

It is the second equinox of the year, when the Sun will return from its walk in the north and head south, where it will remain for a full semester.  Autumn —the symbol of life exhaustion , of that which  decreases  (like light and heat) and translates in plants losing its green color— commences. On the other hand, spring begins in the south, where nature is reborn and plants sprout. The Sun —symbol of life— now expresses itself in the form of equilibrium and, with its double face, as that which is dying in the north,  and coming to life in the south.

This week the Moon and the Sun behave similarly, conveying the same message. The former, appearing moribund for half a week, and as a newborn throughout the other half of the week; and the latter, sending its rays on the equator,  slowing the rhythm of existence in the north and impelling life in the south. It is time for review and correction, for seeking harmony and balance, for the setting of midpoints, the encounter between opposing visions.

The symbols above are identifiable with recovery, healing and regeneration processes. We are, therefore, in times of transition towards a healthier model of life. Recent events in nature, social events (including a new session of the United Nations General Assembly), and Virgo’s New Moon —which precedes Libra’s Equinox— are leading us towards a more conscious action of liberation and purification.

Translated by Jorge Pardo Febres-Cordero, Certified Public Translator (Spanish-English-Spanish) – [email protected]

Photo Credits: hdaniel ©

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