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Jose bernardo gomez
Photo Credits: Carsten Frenzl ©

Opposites’ Struggle

On Thursday the 28th took place the third and most recent opposition between Jupiter —the planet associated with liberating processes— and Uranus, the planet of abrupt changes. The confrontation between the two had occurred on two previous occasions (December 26 and March 3) as part of a process that occurs every thirteen years; the first two events prepare the ground, and the third one unleashes the end of the conflict between antagonistic forces.

This planetary aspect represents the climax of a thirteen-year cycle, which began on January 4, 2011, with the conjunction between the two planets, and will conclude on April 21, 2024, when they meet again. The climax of the Jupiter-Uranus cycle is now reached, determining the optimal conditions for a qualitative leap in the processes of social change that has been brewing in the last seven years.

This recent opposition between Jupiter (liberation) and Uranus (rebellion) has coincided with the controversial referendum in which the Catalan people have pronounced themselves this Sunday, as regards their separation and independence from Spain. The confluence of both events constitutes a clear expression of the synchrony between astral movements and human events.

The previous process of opposition between Jupiter and Uranus on the Libra / Aries axis had occurred on October 11, 1934, when both planets met —as now— in the last degree of the two signs, at a distance of only 2° from the current point.  Five days before that significant planetary aspect occurred, the independence of Catalonia was proclaimed —on October 6, 1934—  as an autonomous state within the Spanish Federal Republic.

One full turn of Uranus and seven Jupiter circumambulations were required to re-present an identical relationship between these two planets, which, combined with each other, represent the notion of change, independence, rebellion, originality and struggle, as regards the conservative tendencies of the status quo.

During the present week, the confrontation between these two planets will be accentuated with two other inter-planetary relations reflecting the same energy feature: the struggle between opposites. It involves two different planetary configurations, with similar manifestations. It’s about the antagonism between the symbols that represent the active, impulsive, masculine forces, on the one hand, and the passive, receptive, feminine tendencies on the other. The opposing and complementary energies of yin and yang.

On Thursday 5, the opposition between the Sun and the Moon occurs simultaneously in the sky with the conjunction of Venus with Mars. Our Sun will transit through Libra and, our Moon, through Aries. The visible result will be the splendor of the Full Moon, emerging from the east, and reflecting the sunlight, after the Sun has disappeared from the scene towards the west. From the confrontation between these two luminaries comes their complementation, each one fulfilling its own function.

The two other planetary entities that symbolize the masculine and the feminine will also have the opportunity to integrate in their differences, when they come to meet each other in the same zodiacal point. The conjunction between Venus and Mars takes place on the same day of the Plenilunium. The two planets merge in their passage through Virgo. The encounter between the two neighbors of the Earth represents the integration necessary of the masculine and the feminine in each human being, and offers the opportunity to better connect and complement us with the one that represents for us the energy of the opposite sex.

October begins with a manifold manifestation of opposite currents concentrated in the power of the Sun when it transits through Libra. It is the time of the year that demands greater balance to attain a meeting point between the extremes. It is equivalent to the moment of dawn or twilight, in which the shades and shadows surpass the incandescence and the darkness.

The oppositions of Jupiter with Uranus, and of the Sun with the Moon, as they traverse the signs of Autumn and Spring (Libra and Aries), along with the union of Venus and Mars in Virgo —sign of the transition— propound to us the task of searching for integration, stimulating complementation and developing a comprehensive view of the apparent contradictions of a common existence. In recent days Mother Nature gave us a strong lesson about what her extreme forces are capable of as they try to restore the balance that has been lost.

Translated by Jorge Pardo Febres-Cordero, Certified Public Translator (Spanish-English-Spanish) – [email protected]

Photo Credits: Carsten Frenzl ©

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