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Jose Bernardo Gomez
Jose Bernardo Gomez

Lunar Ambivalence

From the dawn of Sunday the 23rd, until the early hours of Wednesday the 26th, the Moon transits the last trench of its monthly travel, under the balsamic condition. It does so from the second half of Pisces, and it extends along its passage through Aries. This last week of April coincides with the end, and beginning, of the lunar synodic cycle.

The first days of the week, the Moon, quite reduced in its luminous silhouette, appears at the east, just a few hours before dawn. Under these characteristics, she transmits the healing quality of any terminal process. It is the right time to gather, summarize, evaluate, reflect upon, detoxify, cleanse, forgive and close processes of emotional and personal order. That is why a balsamic power, able to heal and purify the wounds, is attributed to it.

The Balsamic Moon will be reinforced by its union with the planetoid Chiron and with Venus, which transit through the last degrees of Pisces. The symbolism of wound that heals (Chiron), sensitivity (Venus) and suffering (Pisces), are integrated into the terminal character of the lunar cycle, to give it a peculiar regenerative strength.

By the middle of the week our night beacon turns invisible. The Moon, freed from its usual nocturnal guard, will allow the darkness to take over the night, because it will be entertained, sharing the same zodiacal position with the Sun. It is the moment of the New Moon, which marks the beginning of a new cycle in its journey through the sidereal space.

The union between our luminaries takes place in the first decanat of Taurus, a zone corresponding to the image of the bull, symbol of strength, endurance, fertility and abundance. With the Taurus- New Moon, the second and most representative month of spring begins in the north.

During the following four weeks nature will exhibit, in the northern hemisphere, its vital momentum, showing off the color of its flowers and the variety of its fruits. It is a period of greater luminosity and of pleasant climate, in which sensory perception facilitates contact with matter, and the enjoyment of sensuality.

In the second half of the week, the Moon will reappear in the west, as a thin curved line, in the early hours of the night. It will be traveling by the spring signs of Taurus and Gemini, passing through the area closest to Earth. Coming from Gemini, it will come together with Mars at the dawn of Friday the 28th, giving greater impulsiveness, and a more aggressive character, to communicational processes.

Every new cycle of the Moon represents an initiating energy, similar to the impetuous quality of nature in spring time; but in this opportunity this condition is re-strengthened, due to it  being the most spring-New Moon of all. In addition, it will be in perigee (at its point closest to the Earth) and in conjunction with Mars, reinforcing its active, impulsive and entrepreneuring character.

The passage, from a purifying and liberating Balsamic Moon that joins the healing strength of Chiron in Pisces —with which the week begins— to a Spring New Moon, endowed with a powerful initiating character, with which the month of April concludes, creates the ideal cosmic conditions for the start up of new processes and projects, both personally and collectively.

On Friday the 28th, two astral phenomena of significant importance occur simultaneously in the sign of Aries: Venus arrives again at that sign, to retake its seductive and affectionate energy, that it had lost in the previous weeks while in its retrograde motion; and the conjunction of Mercury and Uranus comes to occur, increasing the destabilizing and distorting energy provided by the explosive mixture of the two sidereal bodies.

The combination of the planetary events of the week, along with the ambivalent change of the Moon in its double condition —balsamic and new— generate the conflicting conditions associated with every contradiction: a month and a week end, with the strength of the beginnings and the destructive regenerating power, characteristic of every painful birth.

Translated by Jorge Pardo Febres-Cordero, Certified Public Translator (Spanish-English-Spanish) – [email protected]

Photo Credits: Farhill

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