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jose bernardo gomez astrologia
Photo Credits: Mike Durkin ©

Hurricanes and Earthquakes

The globe receives irregular solar radiation throughout the year due to its axis having a 23 degrees inclination. The incidence of the solar rays shows a constant variation over the area of ​​the terrestrial surface in the course of the Sun’s annual translation. There are only two moments of that period when their effects are similar in the hemispheres located north and south of the fictional equatorial line dividing the Earth into two equal parts.

Every year at the beginning of the last third of each of March and September the same phenomenon of equal distribution of solar energy regarding both sides of the equator comes to occur. It is what is known as the equinoxes. This makes it possible to divide the annual cycle into two semesters, and to demarcate, inversely in each hemisphere, the beginning and the end of each of the four climatic seasons.

When the March equinox comes to occur, winter ends and spring begins in the north; while, in the south, summer ends and autumn begins. In September it happens the other way round: autumn begins and summer ends in the north; while, in the south, winter ends and spring starts to show up.

The luminous /caloric manifestation of the Sun over the Earth becomes equitable in equinoctial moments. That is, by March 21 and September 23 of each year. Then there is a qualitative change of the vibrations our planet receives from Father Sun. The King Luminary can be seen changing position with respect to the Earth and also projecting itself in the sidereal space under a different star constellation.

Since last Friday 22 we observed the Sun in the zodiacal sector identified with the Scale, symbol of balance and symmetry, typical of this time. It began simultaneously its itinerary towards the southern regions.

Libra, as the image of the new solar sign, suggests the idea of ​​balance, harmony, counterweight, equality, justice, moderation and equanimity. It is also associated with the beauty, love, warmth, sympathy, grace and charm attributed to his ruling planet, the nearby bright Venus, the namesake of the most attractive, sweet and seductive goddess of antiquity.

Paradoxically, in the preamble of Libra’s Equinox, with Wednesday 20’s New Moon, which marks the beginning of the Jewish new year (5,778), two natural phenomena, causing death, desolation, pain , tragedy and devastation occurred in the North American neighborhood. Mexico’s earthquake, and the passage of Hurricane Maria by the Caribbean, which severely affected the island of Puerto Rico.

Enough signs had appeared in the sky, announcing that which was about to happen. On the same 19 September, when the Mexican soil shuddered, Venus was passing through Leo’s last degree, the sidereal spot where the recent Total Solar Eclipse occurred, and Mercury was in exact opposition to Neptune, the name of the god to whom strength over the seas and tectonic movements is attributed. Simultaneously, Sun, Moon and Earth were aligned with Chiron, which represents the wounds and suffering necessary for healing.

The sum of the seven digits that compose the tragic date of 9-19-2017 equals 29, which is that Leo’s degree where Venus was on that day, and where the mentioned Solar Eclipse occurred, and is the number of days that had elapsed since that same Eclipse (8-21-2017). The sum of 29 equals eleven, which numerologically speaking constitutes a fateful character (1). When the Mexican earthquake of 32 years ago occurred (on the same date of September 19), it had also been preceded by a Solar Eclipse, which occurred at 29 degrees of Taurus, on 05/19/1985, the sum of which is 38, which, added up, is also eleven.

The North American Solar Eclipse of a month ago foreshadowed already a period of great conflict for the USA, since it was over its continental geographic area where the total concealment of the Sun took place. Since its pre-election campaign, the current US President had spoken against Mexican immigrants, insisting on continuing to build a wall that prevents crossing the border. The Hispanic populations closest to the United States inhabit the most affected American spaces in this season of hurricanes and seismic movements (2).

Three planetary oppositions of great intensity take place this week. On 24 Sunday the fearsome Neptune of the oceans and the tectonic layers faces the violent Mars; on 29 Friday, it will face the seductive Venus; but we will feel above all the destabilizing impact of the last exact opposition between the liberating and exaggerated Jupiter against the disconcerting and violent Uranus. A configuration characterizing this 2017, and that will not occur again until the year 2031.

Undoubtedly, this climate of instability that has accompanied the equinoctial period corresponds to the symbology that has been showing up in outer space. These are times of geographical disasters, but also of attitudes of much confrontation in social relations and in international politics scenarios. Now more than ever it is required that the Libra-spirit of concord, diplomacy and harmony be imposed on the warlike and confrontational eagerness. It is a time to heal the wounds and transmute the pain into a more supportive and responsible attitude.

(1) Some manifestations of the eleven energy: JFK murder (11-22-63); Caracas earthquake (29 = 7-11-67); coup against Allende (9-11-73); attack on twin towers NY (9-11-2001); Coup vs Chávez (4-11-2002); Atocha attack, Spain (3-11-2004); Earthquake-tsunami Japan (3-11-2011).

(2) US Territories, with high Hispanic population, shaken by hurricanes, after the Solar Eclipse (8-21-17): Texas (Harvey) and Florida (Irma). Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Maria). Affected by earthquakes: its border neighbor Mexico.

Translated by Jorge Pardo Febres-Cordero, Certified Public Translator (Spanish-English-Spanish) – [email protected]

Photo Credits: Mike Durkin ©

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