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“Hey Aaron, we need to talk.” An open letter to Aaron Sorkin

Hi, it’s me. We have to talk. You are trying to break up with me and I am not going for it. You with your fast-paced dialogue and arrogant use of vocabulary; I’m talking to you. You know why I’m writing this.

I am talking about the third season of The Newsroom.

Now, what do you have to say for yourself? I’m not convinced with those rehearsed messages of “I had to end the show even though I finally know how to write it”, and that BS about your scheduling conflicts. You, mister, are in deep trouble with me.

How could you take The Newsroom away from me? We were just getting started. You made me love that show so much I made my undergraduate thesis about that show. And now you’re taking it away from me. With just six episodes. SIX. S I X. There are boundaries you have to respect, buddy, but the line is just a dot to you.

Now, I know we got off to a late start; I’m only just watching the first season of The West Wing. I’ve never watched Sports Night or Studio 60. I know, I know. Bear in mind that I was born in the midst of your success and your crash. It’s only normal that I arrived late to the party.

Then came The Social Network.

And I was a goner.

Since then, I’ve always wanted an opportunity to say: “Dating you is like dating a Stairmaster!” I think I’ve read that script more than 20 times. The way you write spoke to me. Because I love listening to people talk. I love dialogue. Dialogue is the reason I stopped writing stories and started writing scripts.

The Newsroom followed soon enough. You gave me Will and Charlie and Leona and Sloan and Jim and all these characters that I would fall in love with very quickly. I was actively into it. And so was half my Facebook. I am perfectly aware that America is not the greatest country in the world but it sure used to be. We all live with the burden of romanticizing yesterday, and affirming constantly that the past was better than today. We all understood Will’s pain.

I pictured myself being on that Sex and the City bus while Maggie was shouting. I remember Rudy was one of my favorite movies when I was little. Episode 7 of Season 1 tears me up every time I watch it. Liquid sex is by far the best line that has ever come out of that show. Don’t even get me started about Leona Lansing’s fixation on Daniel Craig. I shouted, “Get it back!” with her. Aaron, GET IT BACK!

I am not ready to let go.

You can’t do this to me! We had something special. You can’t keep giving me excuses because I can’t handle the truth like Lt. Daniel Kaffee. We were supposed to be together for a while. We were a long-term investment. You were an active part of my life and now… Well, now you’re screwing things up a bit for me.

There will be others, they say. There are new, compelling series that will come soon enough. I’m excited by a lot of them, but it’s like going out on a first date again. The comparisons will begin and there will come a time where I will let go. Probably when I’m done with my thesis and I’ve watched the first season so much I’ll have it memorized.

Goodbye Aaron.

For now.

I hope you surprise me again.



Hey you,
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