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JUS 24X7 TV Channel

Events: «Pulse» broadcasted by JUS 24×7 TV channel

NEW YORK: The touching silent short film «Pulse», written, directed and starred by Mohamed Youssef will be aired by Jus 24×7 TV Chanel this June.

This film conveys the story thought strong images. They express the mixed feeling and emotions of a young New Yorker whose life is divided by two different paths. On the one hand, there’s the country were he was born and where his family is, and on the other hand, there’s New York, a city full of possibilities.

Youssef knew from the beginning that a strong cinematography was crucial for his story. That is why he decided to partner with Lucia Barata, Brazilian cinematographer. Barata, whose family made the film «City of God», was able to convey, through strong images, the feelings and doubts felt by the protagonist of the film.

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