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Jose bernardo gomez

A Dying Flame

The strange ritual of blowing out the candles at a birthday party is full of meanings: the exhaling of air from the lungs is an expression of life; but, at the same time, the extinction of  the flame  represents the cessation of light and heat, which are also associated with life.

The blowing out of the candles is simultaneously an act linked to the disappearance of that which has been lived (each candle representing a year elapsed), and with the expression of life accumulated, the wind that generates movement, which is an expression of that which lives.

The flame of a candle may go out as a result of the wax having been consumed, which represents at the same time the end of the candle itself, or it may be the consequence of an external action which causes the sudden extinction of the flame. The same difference occurs as regards the death of an organism, which may be natural or provoked.

On the earthly plane, the experience of life develops as a process identified with the passage of time, even if it has no material physical expression. It has a relationship with the movement in space of sidereal bodies, which serve as a reference to count days, months and years that are in turn manifested in the natural duration of living organisms.

Last Sunday the 16th, the Moon, our nightly heavenly body, placed itself at a point intermediate between the Earth and the Sun, forming thereby a 90 ° angle regarding each of them; and it will continue to advance in the coming days until said angle comes to zero degrees . It is a process that lasts a week (a quarter of the lunar month), known as the Waning Moon.

On its part, the Sun will take the same time as the Waning Moon (one week) to finish its transit through Cancer. Both luminaries will share simultaneously their respective finishing processes. Next weekend, the New Moon (beginning of the lunar cycle) and a new solar stage, the one corresponding with the sign of Leo, will become synchronized.

The coincidence of the beginning of the lunar month with that of the solar passage by one of the twelve zodiacal signs is not common, this happens approximately every three years (36 lunar months). We are therefore in a week of completions, as we will be again the case in June 2020, and was the case in October 2014.

This finishing week will also involve the outstanding position of Uranus that will be receiving the energy flow that its location, at 90 degrees from each of Mars and the Sun, stimulates. This —now repotted— planet that represents abrupt events and unexpected situations combines itself with the factors of the dying lunar cycle and the warrior planet’s Cancer- transit, and of the inexhaustible energy provided by our Sun.

These finishing processes resemble the one that occurs when the fire consumes the wax of a candle. When it loses it size, the candle announces the near end of its existence, and of that of its flame. On this occasion, the natural extinction of the flame originated in the consumption of the wax adds itself to the action of the external blow, represented by the Uranus factor.

The present agonizing-moon-week prepares us for the new lunation that will reach its maximum expression in the full moon of August and the new moon following it, which will be accompanied by eclipses of our two luminaries. We enter, therefore, into a period of alteration of normality: the death of that which is finishing and the emergence of that which is to be born. Like the cycle of life, or the duration of a lit candle, every end implies a shift towards a new form of existence.

Translated by Jorge Pardo Febres-Cordero, Certified Public Translator (Spanish-English-Spanish) – [email protected]

Photo Credits: letavua

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