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Fall Movies: What’s the big deal?

As previously stated, I would dedicate some of my time here in ViceVersa to talk about movies. Yes. Movies. The truest love of my life.  I haven’t seen all of them. I haven’t even seen the right amount of movies to be considered a connoisseur in the subject, but I make it my special talent to know a lot about movies. I’ll memorize the dialogues of the movies I like, I read reviews like crazy, I IMDB until my head gets dizzy, but I’ll tell you this: the movie vortex of the Internet is the happiest vortex of all.

Now, as in everything, there is a special time of the year regarding movies. The Christmas of movies, if you will. Big and small studios release their precious gems ready to start campaigning for Award Season. And this year Santa has A LOT of movies to be on the watch for.

I’ll be making my own personal assumptions of these movies when the time comes (and probably much later than everybody else because movies arrive in Venezuela whenever they want to, not necessarily when they should).

Stay tuned!

P.S.: Here are some presents:

Inherent Vice Trailer:


The Imitation Game:


Hey you,
¿nos brindas un café?