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Jose Bernardo Gomez
Jose Bernardo Gomez - ViceVersa Magazine

Cosmos, Chaos and Creation

A special week has begun. The shortest month of the year comes to an end, giving way to the month named after the «god of war». During March, the Sun will cross over the earth’s equator, promoting the dawn of life -and the spring- in the north. February ends with the celebration of the carnival, and March takes off initiating thereby the Christian Lent.

On the last Sunday of the short month, an Annular Solar Eclipse modifies the vital rhythm of The World’s inhabitants. The Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, hiding from us the radiant light and vibrant energy of our source of life and warmth. At one of the ends of this triple astral alignment there is a tiny, remote, gaseous planet, making itself to be felt these days.

The small and distant Neptune, identified with the dominant power of the oceanic forces, and ruler of the Sign of the Fish, where the alignment causing the SundayEclipse occurs, becomes also very preponderant, when merging with a triad of stars in successive days of this complex week.

On the same day of the Eclipse, the Moon touches the enigmatic zodiacal point in which Neptune has settled: Pisces’ eleventh degree. The Sun will also pass thru there on the first night of March, and then Mercury, the mediator, will follow suit on the morning of Saturday the 4th. This triple Neptunian conjunction suggests that we live days where hazy confusion, misleading vision, and disturbance prevail in the deep waters of the Unconscious.

The reigning sector of Pisces, the last of the zodiacal wheel, is considered a double sign, mutable and of water; an area where duality, instability and emotional sensitivity combine. The eleventh grade represents the repetition of unity, which produces duality (1 + 1 = 2), and it stimulates repetition for learning; it is the first degree of the central decanate of the zodiacal sign, where the power of each sign begins with renewed strength.

A unique planetary alignment will also take place this week: uninhibited and liberating Jupiter, which is about to commence retro-gradation, faces Uranus, the celestial body of rebellion and irreverence, connected with rupture and de-regulation processes, transmitter of a Chaotic current, precursor of the new times.

Uranus’s slow confrontation with Jupiter, which reaches its climax on Thursday the 2nd, will stay dormant until the last days of September, when the final denouement will occur between them. From now on, an atmosphere of instability, preceding all creative action and every initiative to recover the lost balance, is triggered.

In these days an intense planetary conflagration takes place. Just a few hours after the Eclipse, the aggressive red planet Mars gets together with the most disconcerting and destabilizing of the planets: the afore described Uranus. The confluence of both of them in Aries lends their conjunction a more impetuous character.

The aforementioned chaos-producing struggle between Uranus and Jupiter unfolding in the days to come, acquires a superior explosive level with the turbulent intervention of the Martian fury. Mars not only nourishes Uranus with devastating energy but, by opposing Jupiter at the same time, receives from it an impulse which surpasses all control.

The week culminates with the most relevant planetary phenomenon: Venus’ retro-gradation. The natural irritability of Mars, overwhelmed by the joint action of Uranus and Jupiter, is accentuated by the uncomfortable position of Venus in transit through Aries. The conditions of conciliation, harmony, affection and union, characteristic of the Planet of Love, enter a phase of recess, as required by reflection and introspection.

Venus, our bright and close star, will keep its inverted position for six weeks. This occurs every eighteen months and represents the opportunity to reconnect with the world of feelings. It is now, simultaneously with the forces of action and confrontation, exteriorized and overflowing, when it is up to us to tune the key to balance, inner peace and loving conciliation.

A week beginning with Eclipse and ending in Venusian retro gradation, full of so many and so subversive astral events within such a short time, is a week that encourages internalization. The possibility certain of catastrophic external events, such as those forewarned by astrological symbolism, goes hand in hand with the need to turn an apparent inner cataclysm into an opportunity for the profound renewal of our convictions and our hopes. It is like moving from carnival to Lent.

Translated by Jorge Pardo Febres-Cordero, Certified Official Public Translator (Spanish-English-Spanish) – [email protected]

Photo Credits: s58y

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