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Jose Bernardo Gomez
Photo Credits: Ashwin Kumar ©

Bye Bye, Light! Donald Trump’s Decline

On the night of Monday 14 the Moon commences its waning phase. Four nights later, only half of the half moon will show, behaving thenceforth like a Balsamic Moon, coinciding with its passing through the point closest to our planet (perigee) until disappearing completely in the nights of August 20 to 22, when it will be born again in its transit through Virgo.

On Monday, August 21, the Moon and the Sun will place themselves not only on the same longitude (Leo 29°), but also on the same decline (North 12°), which will allow for the occurrence of one of the most spectacular astrophysical phenomena: a Total Solar Eclipse.

The most peculiar thing in connection with the coming Eclipse is that a thin strip of land will be deprived of sunlight in the middle of the day. That strip will divide the continental territory of the United States, crossing 10 states of the Union, from Northwest to Southeast; commencing in the North Pacific and ending in the Middle of the Atlantic. A phenomenon of such a nature has not been observed for more than 38 years in American soil (the last one occurred in February 1979).

In no other subcontinent of the planet will the eclipsal phenomenon be observed in its full dimension. I will be observable as a Partial Eclipse only in those places with daylight, including most of the United States. The narrow shadow moves as a snake through the territory, emerging from the Pacific, in Oregon, at 9:07 am (local time) and plunging into the Atlantic by South Carolina at 4:06 pm local time.

The Total Solar Eclipse will last 2 minutes and 40 seconds. It will reach its culminating point at 18 hours, 24 minutes, of the Universal Time, which corresponds to 14:24, Venezuelan and Atlantic Coast (East) of the United States‘ time.

This Eclipse belongs to a series known as «Saros 145«, which repeats itself every 18 years and 11 days. Its characteristics and effects are similar to those belonging to the same series. This is the sixth Eclipse of its type (total solar eclipse, of the Saros 145 series); the previous ones occurred in the summer of the years 1927, 1945, 1963, 1981 and 1999.

The current United States‘ President was born under a Total Moon Eclipse. The Sun of that time shared the same location of the native Mars of his country. He is a predestined man who connects with the violent fury of the nation he represents. In that area the energy of Saturn is activated in the present moments. These two planets considered as evil in traditional astrology.

The American President was born at the exact moment when Mars ascended by the eastern horizon (Ascendant) next to the star Regulus, at the same zodiacal point where the Eclipse now occurs. And this is why its effects have the power to shake (or take) the life (physical or political) of the President.

Two out of the three Total Sun Eclipses of the same series (145) that have occurred during Trump‘s life took place within few months from the attacks on Presidents Kennedy (1963) and Reagan (1981); and the third, and most recent one (1999), coincided with the death of his father, his divorce and his second marriage. This points out to the shocking quality of those astral events that have occurred during his life.

The Total Solar Eclipse of the coming August 21 also represents the expression of relevant changes in the dynamics of collective life in Venezuela, even though the total obscuration does not affect its territory. In Venezuela’s political history, these Saros 145’s Total Solar Eclipses have also had important repercussions (1945, 1963, 1981 and 1999), as is the case now.

Exactly 19 years ago, on the night of August 21, 1998, the previous solar eclipse occurred at the same point in the sky (29° Leo), when Hugo Chavez won (December 6) the presidential elections, impelling the constituent process that initiated the Bolivarian Revolution. In the present opportunity, aside from the ending of an eclipsal cycle (19 years), Saturn, the planet of political control, returns to its starting point on the Venezuelan birth chart (21° Sagittarius), opposing the natal Jupiter of the country (20º Gemini), which governs international relations.

The sidereal show taking place over part of the core of the continental United States ascribes a dark and uncertain character to this nation. This allows one to envisage extraordinary events that will affect the social life of the American people, with an influence in its political stability, due to their President‘s risk of being defenestrated.

The American President’s ire propensity, his Martian behavior, as well as the continuing dangerous threats he has issued against North Korea, and the recent events in Virginia, reinforce these conjectures. Evidence abounds that we are navigating turbulent waters under stormy skies.

Translated by Jorge Pardo Febres-Cordero, Certified Public Translator (Spanish-English-Spanish) – [email protected]

Photo Credits: Ashwin Kumar ©

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